Chaos Day

September 11, 2016

It’s official I’ve had my first week of classes as a business major! Definitely different without a science lab, but I’m excited for all the classes I’m taking this semester. One week down and 14 to go!

Now from the title you may be asking yourself, “what is chaos day?” Chaos day is a tradition at my college that’s been going on for over 45 years where each dorm has a theme (ours was under the sea this year) and they compete in games. Basically it’s a mix of the Olympics and field day. The Friday after classes begin all the dorms chant and compete in chaos day games which may include seeing how may people you can get through a tire in one minute or the classic tug of war.

This year a few of my friends (on my floor) and I went as Spongebob characters, as pictured below!
(left to right) Me / Kari / Hannah / Hannah

Above is a photo of the whole floor before Chaos day began! Unfortunately, we did not win chaos day, but we all had a blast! I'm already in love with my floor and I'm excited to see what this year has in store for us!

Six Simple College Goals

September 1, 2016

Setting goals can really help motivate and give you a constant reminder of what you’re trying to accomplish whether they’re simple daily goals or goals set for a period of time, both of which are ultimately set so you can accomplish something. College can get very overwhelming, especially as a freshmen. Luckily, I’ve got my first year under my belt and am just trying to get back into the swing of things. I’ve come up with six simple goals I plan to accomplish this school year.

1. Getting to know one professor really, really well
Sadly, last year I never built great relationships with my profs outside of class. Setting a relationship with professors will help you not only for the semester when you have questions about assignments, but connecting with a professor outside of lectures and exams will benefit you in the long run as well. Connecting with a professor can help you open doors to opportunities as well as give you a mentor not only for college, but for life as well.

2. Keep eating healthy
My dining hall just got renovated and they seemed to get even better food, which of course is not good for my body (specifically the new cheesy bread sticks by the pizza). Eating healthy can be a difficult thing to do at times, but the benefits are endless and your body will thank you in the long run.

3. Finding me time
There are so many activities to do on and off campus with friends which is always great, but sometimes you need to give yourself alone time to help reflect on everything that’s going on in your life. Whether it’s coloring (I just bought a sweet Disney coloring book), yoga, writing, reading, whatever it may be it just gives you time to calm down, relax, and get away from the world.

4. Study hard
This is a very basic goal, but it’s very true. I can study, but studying hard may be the difference from getting a B or an A. To organize my time between studying, classes, and other events I bought The Simplified Planner.

5. Don’t over work myself… too much
This also may seem like common sense, but I am guilty of taking too much on or working for too long. Ultimately I end up just breaking down and crying at my desk because there's just so much going on or I’m not giving myself enough breaks from studying.

And last but not least…
6. Have fun!

Although I’m at college to better my education I need to remember to laugh and have a good time with friends and join a few activities on campus, which I've already begun to do! (I’m on the Social Events Team and I'm planning to swing dancing again this fall.)

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